Emetophobia : Fear of Vomit

Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting or seeing others vomit. This is considered a specific phobia. The fear can develop following an experience with vomit or randomly. Although most of us do not like to vomit, this becomes a phobia when the fear becomes excessive. Many individuals with this phobia avoid situations in which there is a chance of vomiting/getting sick/seeing others vomit. Safety behaviors/compulsions perpetuate the fear. Sometimes things like saying the words vomit, puke, upchuck, spew, and splatter can be extremely difficult for individuals with this fear. One might notice:

  • increased anxiety around certain foods

  • sudden restrictive eating

  • fear of swallowing/choking

  • embarrassing yourself

  • always needing to know where bathrooms are

  • questioning others about their illness/health

  • avoidance of situations that involve alcohol, sugar, restaurants or places/items that are involved in an incident with vomiting

  • checking expiration dates of foods

  • smelling and inspecting foods

  • avoidance of travel or being away from home

  • engaging in excessive hand washing/handsanitizer use.

    Currently, the best treatment for this phobia is exposure and response prevention or ERP. There is help.


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