OCD and Anxiety Intensive Treatment Services
Intensive treatment is designed based on the client’s symptom severity and current level of readiness for change. Clients may meet with a therapist daily, full or half days, or only attend few sessions a week depending on specific treatment needs. Intensive treatment is developed on a case by case basis for clients of the practice. All intensive treatment is conducted by Shannon Weise, LCSW. This option is designed to meet the individual’s needs and can range in length between 2 days to 1-2 weeks. Weekend intensives are available for a jumpstart.
The Intensive Treatment option for OCD is tailored to address the specific needs of the individual. Intensive treatment is developed on a case by case basis for clients of the practice. All intensive treatment is conducted by Shannon Weise, LCSW.
Initial CBT sessions emphasize psychoeducation on anxiety, OCD, treatment for OCD, and assessing readiness for change. The subsequent sessions primarily focus on Exposure and Response Prevention.
During ERP, patients are assisted in progressive exposures to their specific fear and encouraged to stop compulsions. Sessions take place in the natural environment where the triggers, obsessive thoughts, and compulsive behaviors occur. For example, sessions may be held at restaurants, patient’s home or office, shopping malls, buses, or airplanes.