CBT is an evidence-based treatment used to help change patterns of negative thinking, emotions, and behaviors. This treatment uses structured sessions that include homework to help clients meet goals created with their therapist. CBT is goal oriented and can be a brief therapy. It is used to treat a wide range of issues: depression, anxiety, eating disorders, sleep disorder, etc.
ERP is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that is often the first line of treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This treatment helps you to gradually expose yourself to your fears while not engaging in any compulsive or ritualistic behaviors.
This is something that you will figure out during your first session with your therapist and will be adjusted as needed. Many clients see me for 4-6 months, sometimes much longer. It all depends on symptoms, progress, and treatment goals.
Please inquire. Read our bios. We will help you decide. When we take your call we will set you up with whoever we think would be the best fit. If for some reason we are wrong, you are welcome to change therapists at anytime!