Going towards values using ACT
It's Shannon from The Anxiety & OCD Treatment Center of Central Pennsylvania. Today, I want to talk about an approach that has transformed the way we tackle anxiety and OCD: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT. I’ve been using concepts from ACT for many years now and love how clients respond. ACT is all about embracing life fully and making choices that align with our deepest values. Let’s explore how it can help to pave the path to living a values-based life, especially for those navigating the challenges of anxiety or OCD.
ACT encourages us to accept what is out of our personal control, while committing to action that enriches our life. The magic of ACT lies in its gentle yet profound shift in perspective: it teaches us that suffering is a natural part of the human experience, but it doesn't have to dictate our lives. In ACT, values are like our personal compass; they guide our journey through life. You might wonder what are values? Well, they aren't goals with an endpoint, but rather directions we keep moving towards or what is truly in our hearts. Whether it’s kindness, connection, courage, or creativity, our values are unique expressions of what truly matters to us.
In the dance of life, our behaviors can either move us away from our values or towards them. Away behaviors are those reactions we have when we're trying to escape discomfort. For someone with anxiety, this might look like avoiding social events to sidestep potential embarrassment. For someone with OCD, it could mean engaging in compulsions to temporarily alleviate anxiety to be able to attend the event.
Towards behaviors, on the other hand, are actions that align with our values, even if they invite discomfort. It's attending that poetry slam because you value creativity and self-expression, despite the butterflies in your stomach. It’s choosing not to perform a compulsion, because you value freedom and health over temporary relief.
So, how can we pivot from away behaviors to towards behaviors? Here are a few examples and strategies:
1. Identify Your Values: Take time to reflect on what truly matters to you. What qualities do you admire in others? What activities make you feel most alive?
2. Recognize Away Behaviors: Awareness is the first step. Notice when you’re engaging in behaviors to avoid discomfort that don’t align with your values.
3. Commit to Small Towards Actions: Start small. If you value connection but anxiety holds you back, begin by reaching out to a friend for a chat.
4. Embrace Discomfort: ACT teaches us that discomfort is a part of life and growth. In a non-compulsive way remind yourself that it's okay to feel anxious or uncertain, especially when moving towards what matters.
5. Mindfulness: Ground yourself in the present. This can help you detach from unhelpful thoughts and feelings, making it easier to choose towards behaviors.
Adopting a values-based life isn’t about eradicating discomfort or fear; it’s about choosing a path that resonates with our deepest selves, even when it’s hard. And while choosing towards behaviors might not always be the easy choice, it is undoubtedly a fulfilling one. For anyone navigating the complexities of anxiety or OCD, remember: every step towards your values is a step towards the richness of life.